LifeCompare 3 Benefits of How Many Women Like Seeing Men In Thongs

Compare 3 Benefits of How Many Women Like Seeing Men In Thongs

As more men become comfortable with their bodies and explore different fashion choices, a provocative look that has increasingly been becoming popular is thongs for men. With the ever-strengthening expectations of what male beauty looks like, there’s been an increase in curiosity about how women view this style choice.

Does it arouse them? Do they think it’s attractive? To clarify the conversation, let’s dive into the topic of female opinion on male thongs. From surveys and interviews we’ve conducted and various other research sources we’ve looked through, here’s what you need to know about how many women like seeing men in thongs.

A recent study found that most women are not opposed to men wearing thongs

More than half of the participants said that they found it attractive on how many women like seeing men in thongs. The survey, conducted by a leading fashion magazine, revealed that nearly 40% of women would not mind if their partner wore one. The study was conducted among 500 women between 18 and 45 to determine how many women like seeing men in thongs.

The survey revealed that only 22% of the women responded negatively to the idea of men wearing thongs. On the other hand, 47% said they find it attractive, and 33% answered that they don’t mind either way. Additionally, boxer briefs, 15% of the participants said they would not be opposed if their partner wore one occasionally.

Should men wear thongs?

A debate has been raging for years: How many women like seeing men in thongs? The answer, of course, is that it depends on the individual woman. Some may find thongs attractive and exciting, while others may be uncomfortable with the idea. Ultimately, it comes down to personal choice and preference.

While it’s impossible to definitively answer whether or not women like men in thongs, research has shown that some do, one survey of 2,000 women revealed that 24% found men wearing thongs attractive. Furthermore, 28% of the surveyed women said they would prefer their partner wear boxers, cotton thongs or a thong over other types of underwear. It also found that 50% of the respondents felt thongs could be sexy and attractive when worn by either gender.

Interesting secrets about men’s thong

Thongs have been a hot fashion trend for decades, but not everyone is on board. How many women like seeing men in thongs? The answer may surprise you! Studies show that most women are quite open-minded regarding male or good devil thong wear. Nearly 70% of women think that guys wearing thongs look hot in a thong and can be attractive. In addition, nearly 80% of women’s thongs are confident and stylish.

However, not all women are huge fans of the thong look. Many find it too risqué or off-putting. Some worry about potential health risks due to a lack of proper support. Still, the fact remains that most women have no problem with men wearing thongs. In addition to looks and comfort concerns, some women also worry about “thong behavior.” This refers to inappropriate behaviors such as flashing or gawking while wearing a thong in public. About half of all women surveyed believe that men should always be aware of their conduct while wearing a thong.

The study also found that the acceptance of men in thongs is highest among younger women

According to the survey, 87% of women aged 18-34 said they would be open to seeing men in thongs, compared to only 49% of women aged 55+. Interestingly, the acceptance rate for men wearing thongs was slightly higher among women with children (90%) than those without (84%). Overall, there seems to be growing acceptance of men wearing thongs, with many women finding it attractive or at least not offensive.

The survey found that women still had reservations regarding seeing men wearing such revealing clothing. 20% of women surveyed said that they would find it inappropriate for men to wear thongs in public. Others said they would feel uncomfortable seeing men in thongs, with some even saying that it was “disgusting” or “unnatural.”

There are many benefits to men wearing thongs, including improved comfort and support

While the answer to the question of how many women like seeing men in thongs is subjective, there’s no denying that it’s a look that has been around for centuries and is still popular today. Over time, thong styles have become more mainstream and accepted, with men and women wearing them during all sorts of activities. It’s no surprise that thongs are increasingly becoming a more accepted part of men’s fashion and style, especially among younger generations.

The survey also showed that women found men in thongs more attractive when they wore them as part of a stylish outfit instead of just lounging at home. This could mean it’s important for men to think about their wardrobe choices when wearing thongs, as a well-coordinated outfit can help make them look more attractive. Ultimately, although the answer to how many women like seeing men in thongs is subjective, it’s clear that this kind of underwear has become increasingly accepted and fashionable over time.

Men Pouch Enhancing Thongs Are Fun To Wear

When it comes to men’s fashion, there is nothing quite like the pouch-enhancing thong to add a bit of spice and flavor. How many women like seeing men in thongs? Well, that depends on the individual woman’s preference. For some women, the thought of a man wearing something so revealing can be incredibly sexy. Others may find it off-putting and cringe at the thought of a man wearing something so revealing.

If you are curious about how many women enjoy seeing men in thongs, there is no definitive answer other than to say that some do and some don’t. Pouch-enhancing thongs can help accentuate a man’s assets, depending on the type of thing he chooses to wear. On top of this, they provide added support and comfort for men, allowing them to feel more confident and comfortable and do not cause irritation in their clothing.

They Are Visual Delight

When it comes to men in thongs, how many women like them? Well, the answer is mixed. Some women are turned off by seeing a man wearing a tiny piece of clothing that leaves little to the imagination, while others find it visually stimulating and attractive.

One thing is certain: when men wear thongs, they can be a visual delight. It’s difficult to deny that thongs are sexy and attractive, and many women find seeing a man in one exciting. Some men wear thongs as part of a lingerie look, wife loves, which is a bonus for any woman looking for something extra special.

But is this concept generally accepted by everyone

When it comes to the question of how many women like seeing men in thongs, there is no definitive answer. It depends on the individual woman’s preference and opinion. Some women may find it attractive, while others may find it off-putting or offensive. Ultimately, what matters is that everyone feels comfortable with whatever they are wearing.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as different women have different views and opinions. Some may like it, whereas others may not. It’s important to respect each woman’s opinion and remember that everyone is entitled to their preferences.

Pros and Cons

Here are some pros and cons of men wearing thongs:


  • Thongs provide great support and comfort, especially when working or playing sports.
  • Thongs can be fashionable. They come in various colors, patterns, and designs that match any outfit.
  • It can help make you look more attractive to potential partners


  • Some women feel uncomfortable or even offended when they see men wearing sheer thongs.
  • Thongs can be impractical for some activities, such as swimming or running.
  • They may also chafe against your skin if you don’t wear them properly.

It’s hard to tell how many women like seeing men in thongs, as opinions vary greatly. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and comfort level. If you feel confident wearing a thong, then go for it! But if not, straight guy, straight male, don’t worry about it – plenty of other sheer underwear fabric options provide good support and look great.


Are men’s thongs attractive?

The answer to this question is subjective. How many women like seeing men in thongs largely depends on the individual’s preference. Some may find them attractive, while others may not be particularly interested. Whether or not to wear a thong depends on what makes you feel comfortable and confident.

How many women like seeing men in thongs?

It is difficult to say definitively how many women like seeing men in thongs, as it can depend on personal style and aesthetic preferences. However, if you feel confident wearing a thong, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t go ahead and do so. Ultimately, g strings, whether or not to wear a thong, or bikini briefs, is yours and should be based on what will make you feel comfortable and confident.

How can men know if a woman likes seeing them in thongs?

The best way for a man to find out if a woman likes seeing him in thongs is to ask her directly. This allows her to express her opinion without feeling pressured. Additionally, body language and verbal cues can indicate whether a woman is interested in seeing someone in a thong. If a woman gives them positive feedback and compliments on their appearance, this may indicate that she likes seeing men in thongs.

What are the benefits of wearing thongs?

Thongs offer a variety of benefits, including comfort. They can provide extra support and help keep everything in place when exercising or participating in sports. Additionally, they create less material between the skin and clothing which can reduce irritation from chafing. Furthermore, thongs can be an attractive addition to any outfit.

Are there any drawbacks to wearing thongs?

Thongs offer a variety of benefits, including comfort. They can provide extra support and help keep everything in place when exercising or participating in sports. Additionally, they create less material between the skin and clothing which can reduce irritation from chafing. Furthermore, thongs can be an attractive addition to any outfit.


I hope this article has given you a better understanding of how many women like seeing men in thongs. While there is no definitive answer, it’s clear that not all women feel the same way about this lingerie. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and taste. If you’re looking for something to spice up your relationship or make a special occasion even more memorable, thongs might be worth a try. However, it’s important to ensure both partners are comfortable with the idea before investing in one.


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